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Another Revolution
March 15 – 23, 2024.
Written by Jacqueline Bircher
Kat and Henry, two graduate students from opposing scientific disciplines, are forced to share a lab at Columbia University in 1968. Amid interpersonal differences, a campus devolving into political chaos, and the uncertainty and turmoil of the outside world, they each discover what it’s like to be thrown into someone else’s orbit.
Emily Vanni // Kat
Cecil Jennings // Henry
Director: Joan Lynch
Produced By: Emily Vanni, Price Garrison, Calvin Picou & Heart of Heart Theatre Company
Stage Manager: Stina Correia
Production Design: William O’Donnell
Marketing, Fundraising & Social Media: Asta Paredes, Nadine Booth, Matthew Namik, Nathalia Coppa, Bridgette Rosenblad, Landon Pompadic, Chris Chapman, Calvin Picou, Price Garrison, Emily Vanni
Sound Mixing: Oliver Boon
Videographer & Editing: Oliver Boon
Photographer: Lucas Markman
Graphic Design: Jess Hryniewicki
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