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Orange Curtain Award 2023 Winner – Kalinda Gray

Written by Patrick Chavis

Photography by Austin M. Bauman

Orange Curtain Award 2023 Winner Kalinda Gray

After discussion with reviewers and observing the Orange County Theatre Community, we’ve decided to Award Kalinda Gray the first-ever Orange Curtain Award for her devotion and dedication to the theatre in Orange County, CA. Kalinda has been an active force in Orange County Theatre for years. Over the years, she’s acted and graced the Stage at the Maverick Theater, Stages Theatre, The Curtis Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Irvine Barclay Theatre, and Gold West College. If there’s a stage in Orange County, she’s probably been on it. And as a reviewer, it’s been my pleasure to watch her perform. I’ve seen her perform on multiple occasions, and every performance is different. She is a competent and consistent actress. Suppose you were lucky enough in 2021 to see The Crucible at the Maverick Theatre. Kalinda’s performance of Elizabeth Proctor was incredible, and the production was one of the counties best shows of that year. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated and caring actor in the community, and that’s why we are giving the award this year to Kalinda Gray.

Acceptance Speech:

This came as a complete surprise from the Orange Curtain Review over the weekend – it is appreciated immensely, and my gratitude for your messages and kind words has been deeply felt.

I have met and worked with wonderful and dedicated artists, actors, creatives, and audience members in Orange County for many years now; there are some amazing tales being told here that deserve to be seen, experienced, and felt, with talented people working immensely hard to bring them to life, and many supporting us fervently in doing so. I am lucky to know them all as collaborators, but even luckier to count so many of you as friends and family, who have been there as an ever-glowing light for me and for others through so much over the years, especially the last few with everything our world has endured. And, mostly – I am thankful for the kind actions and thoughts of people that shine through their art and beyond the theater and stage, which is the biggest legacy to leave. To all of you with good hearts who have done so much for your work and for others, it is noticed and treasured, and I most wholeheartedly say – “thank you”.

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