pc: Mihai Suciu
Written by Alina Mae Wilson
The play was originally performed in 1967. While you can certainly tell it’s not a work of the current times, it’s exciting enough to keep the audience in a state of suspenseful curiosity.
Wait Until Dark is the story of Susy Hendrix, a 1960s housewife, who also happens to be blind. When her husband leaves for business, Susy finds herself facing off against a gang of criminals intent on using her disability to deceive her into giving them an incredibly valuable doll. With the help of a neighbor’s bespectacled child plus Susy’s wit and careful planning, Susy proceeds to defend herself.
Generally speaking, I find plays take a while to get viewers engaged. A significant amount of time is needed to introduce you to the characters and establish the plot enough to get you to care. I was pleased to find this show was the rare exception. Right from the start, the stakes are high enough to seize your attention and keep your focus.
The actors are pretty fun to watch. I’d like to give a special shout-out to Desi Molinari (Susy Hendrix) and Lizzy Calvano (Gloria). One might think watching a sullen child resentfully square off against the neighbor she’s required to help would be boring, but oh, how wrong you would be. The two of them work together in their scenes beautifully.
Speaking of pace, it truly is one of the things this story has going for it. The actual premise is interesting enough to keep you wanting more. Still, even if you occasionally have questions (Wait, how did they get this doll again? How do these hoodlums know each other?), the performances and the written action keep you ready and waiting for more.
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Above Average! Sep 22 – Oct 8, 2023.
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