Written by 7:36 pm Anaheim, interview, podcast, The Chance Theater, Uncategorized

AMB Theatre Podcast #33 presented by OCR – A Bright New Boise @ The Chance Theatre in Anaheim – Podcast

A gentle and fractured man — who has recently had his world forcibly turned upside-down. Will looks to the white walls and florescent lighting of Boise’s Hobby Lobby to provide him with a new job and, hopefully, a fresh start. What starts off innocently with Will getting to know the eclectically goofy group of employees, quickly begins to unravel as the truth about his past is revealed…. and his true motivation for returning to Boise threatens to change all their lives. Taken from the Chance Theatre website

Tune in every Friday to http://www.kuci.org/or if you’re in the areas of Santa Ana, Irvine or Tustin turn your radio receiver to 88.9FM @ 4pm – 5pm for the AMB Theatre show in partnership with the Orange Curtain Review.


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