Synopsis : The title character, here called Pippin, is a naive, inexperienced young man looking to make his mark in the world. He seeks glory and personal fulfillment first as a soldier, then as a lover, and finally as a revolutionary leader promoting progressive social ideas. After every attempt at success has left him disappointed and frustrated, until he is on the brink of utter despair, Pippin finds himself attracted to the widow Catherine and her young son.
Ultimately, he is given a choice between either performing a single great deed that will bring him instant fame and glory but just as instantly cut short his young life, or settling for a long, comfortable, but mediocre existence as a domestic non-entity taking care of his sweet but completely unremarkable family. Taken from Website
Mar 11 – Mar 20, 2016
This APA Musical Theatre program has consistently produced Broadway like productions with amazingly talented high schoolers. As an audience member, I have seen APA productions that have rivaled the real deal. They also have a legacy of alumni who are currently starring in Broadway and National Touring Company shows. I encourage everyone to come and be “wow’d”. You will be looking forward to seeing the next “big show”!! Get your tickets online so you will not be turned away because of “Sold Out” performances. And, they perform with an award winning full orchestra!
Love to see HB APA Media on Pippin!!! It’s going to be an incredible show!!!
Very fun seeing Miss Taylor Arragon as “Leading Player” singing Glory too!! Incredible voices, singing & dancing in this Cast and Show! Opening Night is tomorrow night!!! Hope everyone can come out!!!