Written by 10:10 pm Alchemy Theatre Company, Fundraiser, Uncategorized

Journey to the West : A New Musical from Orange County Theatre Group Alchemy Theatre Company – Fundraiser

“I have been trying to get this show done for 10 years and now I have the b1705edfce7c50b52ba1e5304503a333opportunity and I need some help achieving my dreams. The story explores humanity at its best and worst and also explores the fundamental teachings of more eastern religions. We are all one, we are all connected, and one day we will all be together. It is a beautiful sentiment, filled with warmth, and love, and acceptance. It is not staunch and reverent, but kind and welcoming. This kind of love ranging from two lovers destined to fall in love in every life time, or the world at large, coming together for the salvation of humanity, is unlike any show you have ever seen.”


“Journey to the West, written by Richard Oberacker and Robert Taylor, is based on the classic Chinese myth of “Journey to the West” or “Monkey” as it is sometimes translated. “


“The show combines both elements of modern pop sensibilities with traditional instruments and styling of classic Asian oriented instruments and other influential musicals from our past. This makes the show feel both fresh and familiar.” -Jeff Lowe  (taken directly from www.gofundme.com/alchemyjourney) 

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Tags: , , , , , , Last modified: October 19, 2015