The story follows an ordinary boy named Wayne Hopkins who is one day treated to some startling information about himself: he is a wizard. Wayne responds by attending a wonderful magic school, only to arrive at the sorting ceremony wondering about his importance and whether he has enough personality to be sorted. While some others are sorted into the Braves, the Snakes, and the Smarts, Wayne is sorted into what some consider the unattractive option–the Puffs. Over the next seven years, Wayne makes lifelong friends and witnesses/experiences catastrophic danger, introducing us to new characters and running across characters we know all too well.
Both the set and costumes for this show are great. With limited space, they made the environment enjoyable, attractive, and an obvious reference to the source material. Brightly colored doors adorned with vivid House mascots open and close to prevent us from feeling claustrophobic. While perhaps not elaborate, gray stones allude to the castle background viewers are familiar with and expect. The costumes are adequate, and even the cheesier aspects of what people wear are meant to elicit laughter (which they do).
I enjoyed the acting in this show very much. All the actors are strong and confident, and although there are undoubtedly well-known characters around, the perspective from which we view them is different enough to make them both familiar and new. And the script is casually funny sufficiently so that even when a certain performer breaks character to laugh at their scene, it’s campy enough that nothing is ruined. Part of the fun IS the ridiculousness. The other part is laughing at the jokes and poking fun at the films, so your chances of enjoying everything increase significantly if you have seen all the movies.
Great Show! OCR Recommended!
June 3 – 25, 2023.
Thank you for the wonderful piece on Grace McLean by Zack Johnston!!