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Serial Killers OC @ The Chance Theatre in Anaheim – First Night 4-24-2015 Competition Update

Rules of Serial Killers OC :  5 play groups showed up on April 24th @ 11 pm at the Chance Theatre only 3 shows were victorious and will return next session to continue their story.


Four individuals as they traverse the Paradox Tunnels in their effort to solve the puzzle and survive the maze.

Written by Drew Chappell 

Directed by Travis K. Donnelly 

Guide –   Mary Sherg 

Misty – Jessica Ackerson 

Perter – Christopher Yu

Tasha – Sara Farrell

Kane – Alexander Walters  

P1000146 (1)

P1000166 (1)

Birds Of a together, Feathers Flying

Two brothers get into an argument after Nathan (Collin Andrews)  a cop finds out his little Brother Jimmy (Kieran Flanagan) is selling drugs out of their house; hilarity ensues.

Written by Varag Kamali

Directed by Ryan Hawke East

Nathan – Collin Andrews

Jimmy – Kieran Flanagan

P1000162 (1)

P1000171 (1)

Girl Problems

In a random turn of events Lyle a sensitive guy is turned into a girl and now has to figure out out how to turn himself back while trying to adapt to his new womanly form.

Written and Directed by Lexi Heuser & Kian Amini

Lyle (M) –  Griffin Vrabeck

Lyle (F) – Brooklyn Boukather

Shawn – Michael Fenner

Melissa –  Liz Farkas

Emma – Elena Bonvinci

Heather – Amanda Cohn

P1000148 (1)

P1000175 (1)

The Bartender 

Bartender is a complicated story about how millennials deal with social interaction.

Written and Directed by Itztli De La Torre

Alex- Jessica Ackerson

Bouncer – Gina Sandy

Josh – Carlos De La Torre

Hephaestus – Christopher Yu

P1000155 (1)

P1000180 (1)


Two brothers, that have different viewpoints on their father, argue about him before his funeral. 

Written and Directed by Travis K Donnelly 

John – Jake LaRosa 

Joe – Alexander Walters 

P1000139 (1)

P1000184 (1)


Birds Of A Together, Feathers Flying

Girl Problems


If you like what you’ve read and heard, come to the next serial killers as an act or a guest and lets kill some more acts. P1000165 (1) Next show is May 1st 11pm.

If you want to be apart of the next show email a 10 minute script to Travis Donnelly @ SK@chancetheater.com

Then get your group together. For more specific info check the Serial Killers Website

Location : Chance Theater 5522 E. La Palma Ave.   Anaheim, CA  92807
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