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Theatre Opportunity for OC Veterans! – News

Beginning on October 2, 2015, and funded through a $9,600 grant from the California Arts Council’s pilot Veterans Initiative in the Arts, Orange County veterans will be invited to participate in a free five-week theatre workshop.  It will culminate in a free public performance at Chance Theater @ Bette Aitken theater arts Center in Anaheim on Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11.

Through this program, Arts Orange County, Chance Theater and Veterans First intend to enable veterans to use theater to talk about their experiences and to share with their families, fellow veterans, and members of the public a better understanding of the life of a veteran–its challenges as well as its points of pride. 

October 2 – November 6, on Fridays from 12-3pm

Wednesday, November 11 at Chance Theater

To sign up, simply send an email to veterans@chancetheater.com or dtate@veteransfirstoc.org.


Taken from the Chance Theatre press release

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Last modified: September 28, 2015