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9 to 5 : The Musical @ The Attic Theatre in Santa Ana – Review

Written by Daniella Litvak 


Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Owens

After a long workweek, there is nothing like escaping to the theatre and watching people complain about their jobs on stage. In this play, 9 to 5, at the Attic Theatre, we meet three people. Judy (Allison C. McGuire) recently entered the workforce for the first time because of her divorce. Violet (Maggie Ikerd) was passed over for a promotion. Everyone thinks Doralee (Nicole Gerardi) is sleeping with the boss.   The person responsible for all this misery is Franklin Hart – a “sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot” and CEO of Consolidated Companies. Judy, Violet, and Doralee fantasize about taking Hart down, not realizing their dreams are about to come true.

Going into the show, I knew 9 to 5 had been adapted from a pretty successful 80s movie I had never watched about disgruntled employees exacting revenge on their boss. Knowing that, I was surprised how much the show indulged in spectacle: a gangster movie sequence, a chorus line dressed precisely like the secondary antagonist, animated animals, and I could go on.

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Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Owens

I love the show for surprising me[1] and keeping me on my toes. I also appreciate its optimistic message on how it’s possible to improve your workplace. Yet I feel like the show spent too much time setting things up. At the same time, I understand wanting to end the first act at a great moment. I felt they only did it because it was grand and dramatic. I thought it was a plot point that happened too late in the show—letting each character overcome their obstacles too quickly. I wanted more conflict about whether the protagonists were doing the right thing and more moments showing how these three women could become fire-forged friends.

Janet McGregor, who plays Roz, Mr. Hart’s assistant, was phenomenal. If the voices weren’t always the strongest, the performances and choreography more than made up for it.

Do I wish some things were different? Yes. But 9 to 5 is worth seeing for the fabulous costumes, funny dialogue, and zany performances.          



[1] The light research I did afterward indicates that the musical is faithful to the movie. So if you have seen the movie, you probably won’t be as astonished as I was.

My Review
7.5 Overall
1.7 Users (1 vote)

-Funny premise
-Talented Cast of Actors
-Very close to the original material.


-Not enough obstacles for the main characters.
-Songs are not that memorable.


Do I wish some things were different? Yes. But 9 to 5 is worth seeing for the great costumes, funny dialogue, and zany performances.

Set & Design1.5
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Ninetofive & beyond
The musical was more than a pleasant surprise. My evening was busy lusting for blondies and ample breasts. For any more in-depth review there is a service charge... lol
June 28, 2015, 4:36 pm
Set & Design1.5
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