Written by 8:52 pm fullerton, News, Stagestheatre

STAGEStheatre confirms they will be closing their doors because of the Pandemic

Taken from the STAGEStheatre Facebook page :

Friends and Family,

When STAGEStheatre was started almost thirty years ago, we had no idea how long we would be around or how many stages we would move through as an organization. Looking back, it’s been a fantastic, wild ride.

In March of 2020, it became clear to us that COVID-19 was here to stay for a while, that it was going to take a significant toll on all live entertainment, and quite possibly decimate many, if not all, small venues as we were left with no way to keep our doors open to the public.

Theatre is a face to face experience, and right now, the circumstances that we find ourselves in as a country do not seem to favor a return to that form anytime soon.

Appropriate provisions have not been made to support small businesses and non-profits in these unprecedented times, so it is with boundless hope for a bright future, that we are announcing at this time that STAGEStheatre will be closing our theatre space at 400 E. Commonwealth Ave in Fullerton.

Leaving the theatre space allows us to streamline our entire organization so that once it is safe to return to live performances we will be situated in the most ideal position possible. It will allow us to consolidate our resources and reduce our payables for the foreseeable future.

This in no way means that STAGEStheatre as an organization is closing. STAGEStheatre is more than a building. Indeed, although we have been at our home in Fullerton for the longest stretch of time, it is not our first venue. Our intention is to take this time to reorganize, fundraise, and plan our return when it is deemed safe to do so. We make this decision so that we may live to play another day.

There are countless fond memories we leave in our Fullerton home as we begin looking toward the future and to the next stage in our journey. We thank each and every one of you for your years of support and patronage and we hope that once we are able to, you will come out and See More Theatre!

In gratitude and love,

The Board of Directors of STAGEStheatre: Patti Cumby, Amanda DeMaio, April Skinner, Jon Gaw, Mo Arii, Mary Krell-Oishi, and Roxzan Botash

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