Written by 7:41 pm News, Press Releases, The Wayward Artist, Theater

THE WORLD PREMIERE OF “FELIZ” Drive-Through & Streaming Information

Written by Patrick Chavis

Taken from the press release:

The play follows a Mexican- American family in Bakersfield, California filled with secrets of addiction, desire and identity. Within the world of Latinx magical realism, the family must finally face the truths they are all avoiding. “Feliz – An American Play” premieres on April 17, 2021 at 7 p.m. with a drive-in experience screened by The Frida Cinema.

The cast of “Feliz – An American Play” includes Moises Rodriguez as Augusto, Sheresade Poblet as Amanda, Miguel Torres Cruz as Joe, Jennifer Aguilar as Vicki, Isaac Ybarra as Eric, Roberta H. Martínez as Consuela, and Chayan Tavakoly as Sam.


Mess Hall Market at FLIGHT, 1705 Flight Way Tustin, CA 92782

Feliz – An American Play will have an online streaming event the week following the drive-in event.

FAQ: https://www.thewaywardartist.org/feliz-faq

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Last modified: March 19, 2021